beauty revisted...(p.40)


“Beauty will save the world.”

-Fyodor Dostoevsky



Why do I choose to write about beauty?

And how has it evolved more of the lessons within my day?

My thoughts seem frivolous at times.

Who cares to read of my heart and its’ wanderings?

But here I am.

I cannot step away;

my fairytale would end.

My words are my power,

the hunt…my life.

I will forever gallop through fields of wildflowers,

wind in my hair, open to all of life and its riddles.

Magic, miracles, or marvel, whichever word you use,

you will find.

They stand right before us.

We only need to look and trust

that they are there.

I chose beauty because it is what saves me.

It is my muse.

I find lessons tucked within my day

and words searching for air.

I free them,


they free me.

Beauty is a chameleon.

Mine is mine, and

yours is yours.

Both are hallowed.

Go on this hunt with me.

Let no day pass with blinders.

Eyes wide open,

see life and what it wants to give,

a masterpiece,

a rebirth,

painted just for you.

Life walks hand in hand with miracles,

just waiting for your glance.

Look for them,

give them life,

and tell me what you find.

For your gaze is your wind

and the direction you will sail. ❤️

Bonnie O'DonnellComment