sometimes beauty is found within (p.2)
“There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul.”
-Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
This week took some effort. I can’t place my finger on it, but my mind wasn’t focusing on the things I wanted it to. My days “got away from me”. I was reacting to what needed to get done versus planning my days.
I have this push-pull relationship with planning. Is it too structured, too limiting? Or is it actually freeing? Routine does seem to work for me. There’s comfort in it. The key for me is that it has all the elements that I need. I feel these elements are personal. We are all made differently and are inspired, motivated, fueled, comforted, and refreshed differently. The key is to find our own.
For me, waking up early is essential. Quiet mornings before the sun rises, reading the bible, journaling, and making a plan for the day is a must. It fuels me. Next is working out, moving my body, which energizes me. But not every morning, my mind is still enough. It wanders to all the “things.” And I lose my way for that day.
And this is when I come back to what is one of my elements, which is less. Fewer things, fewer distractions, fewer obligations…just less. Though I seem to contradict this value of mine quite often.
Traveling is a love of mine, and I have realized that one aspect of traveling is the concept of less. I only have the things that fit in a suitcase with me; my schedule is open, there isn’t the keeping up the daily tasks. And as a result, I find myself more present, and I don’t try to distract myself with Netflix, social media, or the internet as I often do at home.
So, I need to find the feeling of less while traveling, at home. I understand it won’t be the same, but I know I can get closer.
When making any decision and planning my day, I need to filter my answer with, “does this nurture or neglect my need for less? The better I get at this, the quieter my mornings and my thoughts will become.
Knowing what is important to me is key to planning my days because how I plan my days IS my crystal ball. It will show me what my life will look like.
So, one of my elements in planning my day is less. What is one of yours? What we choose will give us an insight into what we will see. We need to know what’s important to us so we can plan the days that fulfill us.
OR we can not plan or know what’s important, and we will still create our future, just not the life that’s inside of us but one that’s given to us.
This week’s beauty was an insight for me. Sometimes beauty looks different than we expect. I hope you found your own beauty this week. ❤️