while I wait (p.10)
“We are so known for what we do. I think that is why it is so uncomfortable to just be.”
-Bonnie O’Donnell
Have you ever needed to wait for something? You couldn’t move ahead, you had to wait?
That is what this week looked like. I am waiting and it is uncomfortable.
I want to move ahead on my photography prints, but I am forced to wait. This is where I found the beautiful gift this week.
In waiting, I discovered I am uncomfortable here. I found that I place great worth on doing and little on being.
I was shown there is a need for both. Doing is how we create our dreams but being is how we hear them.
If we are not still and only do, we could endlessly complete our lists but find ourselves in the same place.
We must allow open space in our days and weeks. Some days, this might be only minutes. But just like there are no big or small gifts, time can give you treasures in mere moments or bliss in hours. It’s only important that you meet it there, not for how long.
This concept of hearing oneself might sound odd.
I think we all have an inner compass. It guides us to our own unique places.
Your compass is different from mine. My north may not be your north.
And the only way to know is to listen.
And the only way to hear is to be.
What does this look like?
For me, journaling, walking, praying, painting, traveling, sitting by the sea, a long bath…it can be so many things.
But one thing it is not, it’s not the past or the future. It’s in that very moment and nowhere else.
I have discovered beauty in the waiting. My to-do list was smaller. I found treasure in being and saw my compass clearer.
May you gift yourself quiet moments this week and be amazed by what you find. ❤️