one’s view on life (p.7)
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”
-Albert Einstein
Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” painting
Our thoughts create our life.
I have heard this many times from many different places, but this week, it became beautifully clear.
It’s more than the question, “Is the glass half full or half empty?”. It’s our underlying belief in life. Are you supported by something greater than yourself, or is it just you, in this one life?
Because the answer to that question will create different thoughts, different lenses through which we view the world.
One way, anything is possible no matter the circumstances. The other, possibilities can be great but determined by one’s own control.
One way, there are no lines to color within, no imagination too big. The other dreams but uses man-made boundaries like rules, facts, and statistics to direct their future.
One way, life guides us by showing us what we need to learn. The other feels really unlucky with what just happened to them.
One way feels comforted and light knowing they are always supported. The other can feel the weight of the world.
One way looks at life as endless—the other finite and fleeting.
No one is wrong for any thoughts they have. Each of us has had different experiences, different backgrounds, different upbringings. Each shapes us and writes stories within us.
If you are not completely content with your story, I invite you to explore. When you begin to search, your own unique answers will begin to find you.
Have a beautiful week. ❤️