the most delicate place...(p.35)
I haven’t been the same person since becoming a mom years and years ago.
Nothing is more important to me.
My heart no longer lives in my chest but on my sleeve.
I cannot protect it as I once had
For it lives outside myself in two others.
This is one role I cannot bear to make a mistake.
Though I have many, many times.
I have been gifted these two beautiful beings.
I know I am just a steward for a short while.
I get to watch them grow,
to love them,
to guide them,
to take care of them,
and then…
let them go.
There’s no other love that’s endless and unconditional.
No two other people occupy the most delicate place in my heart.
We are all given our parents for a reason.
We are taught something we were meant to learn from them.
No matter the lesson I am to teach,
as long as it makes their lives better in some way,
I will be happy with my part.
My dear ones…
I hope you have all your threads and didn’t undo any seams.
I hope you are, as you were born…yourselves.
I hope you understand courage doesn’t always roar,
and nets are rarely below.
I hope you realize there are no lines to color within.
I hope you don’t wake yourself up from your dreams.
I hope you feed your dragons with love and not fear.
I hope your bookmarked pages make your stories only richer.
I hope you remember to paint your own masterpieces.
I hope you pull anchor and only sail the waves.
I hope you listen to the whisper.
And I hope you know how very much I love you.
No other love finds its way to the deepest rooms but by those who come from us or to us…
how they all miraculously find their parents.
And then we release the drawbridge over our castle moats
And let them enter
the most delicate place in our hearts.
Happy Mother’s Day ❤️